When you’re transporting goods through multiple countries and dealing with different languages, customs, and regulations, conflicts and misunderstandings are bound to happen. Incoterms help reduce misunderstandings by clarifying exactly what each party is responsible for in a global trade contract.
What Are Incoterms? The Ultimate Guide For Global Traders
Topics: Incoterms
When shipping goods, you must play by the rules. Failing to do so may lead to delays, costly fees, and penalties.
Topics: Freight Forwarding & Cargo Transportation, Incoterms
Topics: Incoterms, incoterms 2020, import compliance
Importing and exporting carries risks, but who bears those risks depends on the chosen Incoterm.
Topics: Supply Chain Management, Incoterms, incoterms 2020, import compliance
Any information that affects your freight is information that you should know. Are you aware of the proposed changes to Incoterms 2020?
Topics: Customs Consulting, Incoterms, freight, incoterms 2020, shipping comliance, freight forwarding