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Mike Lahar

Michael Lahar began working in the field of international trade and Customs in 1987, after attending the University of New England with a major in Business Administration. Mike joined a nationally known brokerage and forwarding firm, quickly progressing to earn his individual license as a Customs broker from the U.S. Treasury in 1989. He began his career with Deringer in 1997 as a Post Entry Specialist. Mike was instrumental in the formal development of Deringer’s centralized Post Entry Team and was a prominent contributor to Deringer’s imaging technologies. He has also served as a trade consultant focusing upon the government’s Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) initiatives. Mike joined the Deringer Logistics Consulting Group in 2001 as a specialist in the laws and regulations related to liquidated damages and penalty cases. While recognized as an expert in this area, he also holds expertise in special entry programs including Temporary Importation Bonds (TIBs), contracts and government entries. In 2002, Mike became involved with the implementation of Deringer’s FDA registration program, which is a key component of the federal Bio-terrorism Act of 2002. He returned to Deringer operations in Champlain, NY as the FDA Team Leader in 2005, became involved with Deringer’s training programs, and earned the title of National Post-Entry Supervisor. Currently, Mr. Lahar serves as the corporate Compliance Manager with oversight of the Compliance and Regulatory, Post Entry and Bond Departments as well as the blanket NAFTA and FDA registration programs. He continues his work as a trainer and speaks frequently at industry and trade events on various government agency agendas concerning trade.

Recent Posts

NAFTA vs. USMCA: What’s the Difference?

Posted by Mike Lahar on Jan 17, 2022 8:11:02 AM
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Topics: shipping compliance, Brokerage, USMCA

Impacts of TFTEA & USMCA on Duty Free Entry of Goods Returning to the U.S.

Posted by Mike Lahar on Sep 15, 2020 9:29:07 AM

In the past, goods originating in the United States which were exported and then returned have been allowed to enter the U.S. without payment of duties under certain circumstances. Under the Trade Facilitation and Enforcement Act of 2015 (TFTEA) and the new US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), there have been changes to the regulatory and documentary requirements to take advantage of these benefits. The burden of proof remains on the importer, and as such, the proof is in the proverbial pudding.

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Topics: compliance, trade compliance, USMCA

How to Implement an FSVP Plan in 7 Steps

Posted by Mike Lahar on Oct 17, 2019 6:00:00 AM


An FDA ruling put in place in 2017 seeks to ensure that all countries meet minimum food safety requirements to prevent foodborne illness.

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Topics: trade compliance, shipping compliance, FSVP Plan, food safety, FSVP

Trade Wars & Proclamations: What It Means to the Average Importer

Posted by Mike Lahar on Apr 18, 2018 6:30:00 PM

Since the beginning of 2018, President Trump has issued three proclamations to address an imbalance in unfair trade practices. While mainly targeted at China, the second of the three actions has taken a protectionist stance on a global basis for the U.S. steel and aluminum industry. Heavy tariffs have been levied against many steel and aluminum products under Section 232 of the Trade Act of 1974 with more coming under, the now pending, Section 301 duties.

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Topics: International Trade Compliance & Enforcement

What has Changed Since FSVP Implementation?

Posted by Mike Lahar on Oct 18, 2017 9:15:00 AM

Food Sorting.jpgReporting requirements for the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) became mandatory on May 30, 2017. Although the initial struggle to comply with the new program has greatly diminished, there is still room for improvement. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) completed only a few FSVP audits in the U.S. Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2017, so importers should expect that FY 2018 will bring with it the promise for a larger number of reviews.

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Topics: International Trade Compliance & Enforcement

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