When it comes to importing and exporting, Customs takes their job seriously, especially regarding Lacey Act violations. Civil and criminal penalties are severe for companies that violate its terms.
Topics: shipping comliance, trade compliance, import compliance
Duty drawback can benefit companies when a drawback claimant adheres to all requirements. This means the claimant pays careful attention to detail, keeps accurate records, and follows procedural standards set by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
Topics: Customs Consulting, Brokerage
As an importer, the onus is on you to be aware of the regulations that apply to your products. This includes those set by Partner Government Agencies (PGAs).
Topics: Customs Consulting, International Trade Compliance & Enforcement, compliance, Customs Broker, Brokerage
Navigating Shipping Challenges When Importing From Spain
Elevated freight rates, skyrocketing inflation, and the war in Ukraine are drastically increasing the cost of goods and disrupting global supply chains.
Topics: Freight Forwarding & Cargo Transportation, Air Freight, freight forwarding, Freight Quote
Why Freight Management is so Important to Business Today
Freight management involves more than moving goods from point A to point B. When done right, it maximizes a company’s efficiency and improves its bottom line. When done poorly, it can lead to delayed goods, dissatisfied customers, and unexpected costs.
Topics: Freight Forwarding & Cargo Transportation, Air Freight, freight, freight forwarding, Freight Quote